Kristina Lloyd

Erotic Fiction

Smart Ass

My Ass is Your Ass is My Ass, my story in the third book in our series, features, appropriately, a threesome. Coral’s a barmaid with two lovers. She likes sex, she likes assfucking, and she’s not afraid to ask for what she wants.

Sometimes, I write female characters who are an odd mix of lusty and innocent. By innocent, I don’t mean coy, naive and ripe for a guilt-ridden, sexual awakening at the hands of a big-cocked, super-experienced dude. I mean they act as if untouched by a culture where women are shamed for their lust and where sex is something we all mustn’t talk openly about. They’re not knowingly rebelling against anything because it’s not even on their radar. They’re horny, they’re happy and they just need to work out how to get high and with whom. Coral is one of these women.

These women rock. They are my vision of the future.


So, there he is with his cock in my ass, and I’m biting the pillow, making all sorts of groans. At least, that’s how it looks on the outside. Not that anyone’s watching. We’re in my bedroom and very alone together, the way you are when someone’s fucking your ass. Very alone together.

So that’s the outside view: kinda porny and inadequate. On the inside, I’m floating in a space nebula, and star clusters of silver are pulsing bright and dark. I’m about to go supernova, when Tony makes a breathless demand. “You’ve got to save one thing for me,” he says. “Your ass or your throat.”

He could be speaking a foreign language. Slow colorbursts spread across my mind like intergalactic ink stains: electric blue and peacock green with halos of neon pink and gold. My ass is so stretched and full of his big, beautiful dick.

“What is it, huh?” he says. “I’m giving you a choice here. You gotta make up your mind. Anal or deep-throating?”

I wail and whimper. The question’s too difficult. It’s like he asked me to explain string theory.

“Come on,” he urges. “I know you fuck other guys. No need to be shy. I know you’re a slut but you’re my slut, see?” His fingers grip below my hips. “So you got to put up a ‘reserved’ sign on one part of your body. ‘Only for Tony.’ What’s it to be? Ass or throat?”

I want to work through the question employing all my faculties of reason. I want to write a list of pros and cons and give due consideration to the implications of this decision, both for my myself, for my relationship with Tony and with the others. But I can’t. So I reach into deep space and pluck a word from a distant constellation, a single syllable burning bright and white.

“Ass. My ass.”

Tony groans and holds himself deep. “Good girl,” he murmurs. Whenever he says that, I go loose with lust. “What am I doing right now?” he asks.

My words are tangled up with stars. “Fucking me.”

“Where’s my cock?”

“In my ass.”

“Whose ass?” He slides away and in again, slow and controlled. “Whose ass is it really?”

I’m spiraling toward a whirlpool of blackness and I fight the pull, knowing gravity wants to steal my words.

“It’s your ass,” I say. “My ass is your ass.”

“That’s right,” he breathes.

“Is my ass,” I gasp. When I come, I fall through nights of liquid velvet, lights prickling as ageless galaxies die across the dark skies of my mind.


Smart Ass

My Ass is Your Ass is My Ass by Kristina Lloyd

Smokehouse by Sommer Marsden

Tahoe Tease by Thomas S Roche

From the Bottom of My Heart by Sophia Valenti

Plucked by Alison Tyler

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“The writing is beautiful and well sculpted”

“very strong stories, well written and with good depth of character”

“[A] wonderful and surprising read, every story is deliciously intense”

“[A]nother great little collection, full of filth and feeling. […] Kristina Lloyd’s is great, and feels very… authentic 🙂 I like her characters and the language she uses in this story was a pretty, dreamy surprise. It’s a bit of a love song to anal sex, really.”

“The stories mix in poetry and pornography, most notably the first story by Kristina Lloyd whose ability to go from something raunchy and graphic as the opening scene to something as poetic as “On the inside, I’m floating in a space nebula, and star clusters of silver are pulsing and dark” is just amazing. Breathtaking, even.”

“Is well-written and intelligent anal erotica too much to ask for? Apparently not”

“The first story in this mini-anthology ‘My Ass is Your Ass is My Ass’ by Kristina Lloyd had me from the get-go. Not just because it was kinky (and I mean really very dirty), but mostly (seriously) because of the stellar writing.” [more]

Threesome image by Will Santillo
Cover by Metal Taboo

1 Comment »

  1. […] My Ass is Your Ass is My Ass is the second story of mine to be selected from our popular annual anal erotica series. And my other featured story is All My Lovers in One Room from Racy Pages’ Stretched. […]

    Pingback by Mammoth Best New Erotica 12 « Kristina Lloyd | November 6, 2013 | Reply

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